Geriatrics Consulting Services
Michele Ann Haber, MD, MS, MPH                                                        CALL US || (336) 292-7622

Dr. Haber’s CV

Dr. Haber’s CV


Michele Ann Haber, MD, MS, MPH, FACP

OFFICE: PO Box 4529
Greensboro, NC 27404-4529
Office Phone: (336) 292-7622 Fax: (336) 285-0326

HOME: 1104 North Holden Road
Greensboro, North Carolina 27410-4828
Mobile: (336) 209-1499


Principal of Geriatrics Consulting Services of Greensboro, P.A., specializing in services to senior citizens, their families, and the organizations that serve them, including the entire spectrum of biomedical, psychosocial and functional health needs. Available services include: (1) comprehensive geriatric assessment, (2) specialized Alzheimer’s Disease care and management of challenging behaviors associated with cognitive impairment, (3) consultation on common geriatric conditions such as frailty, falls, incontinence, polypharmacy, memory and/or mood changes, (4) assessment of memory, decision-making ability and level of care needs, (5) medical care management and advocacy, (6) end-of-life care, (7) forensic geriatrics, and (8) quality improvement, staff development and program development in facilities and organizations serving seniors, Greensboro,  NC.



Texas Tech University
Health Sciences Center School of Medicine
Lubbock, Texas
M.D. Medicine

Columbia University
School of Public Health
New York, New York
M.P.H. Public Health

Columbia University
School of Social Work
New York, New York
M.S. Social Work

Wesleyan University
Middletown, Connecticut
B.A. Biology and Physiology
High Honors


University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Fellow, Geriatric Medicine

Medical College of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Resident, Internal Medicine

University Hospitals of Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Intern, Internal Medicine


Summer Institute in Research on Aging
Brookdale Foundation/National Institute on Aging
Airlie Conference Center
Warrenton, Virginia

Research Project
Texas Tech Alzheimer's Center
Lubbock, Texas

NIH Summer Research Fellowship
National Institute on Aging
Bethesda, Maryland

Four Week Neurobiology Course
Boston University Marine Program
Marine Biology Laboratory
Woods Hole, Massachusetts


North Carolina Medical License #99-00522

Pennsylvania Medical License #MD-044969-L (inactive)


Certified Medical Director Recertification, 2004
Geriatric Medicine Board Recertification, 2002
Internal Medicine Board Recertification, 2002
Certified Medical Director in Long Term Care, 1999
Fellow of the American College of Physicians, 1998
Added Qualifications in Geriatric Medicine, 1994
American Board of Internal Medicine Certification, 1992
National Board of Medical Examiners, 1990



Adjunct Associate Professor of Public Health Education and Gerontology
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Greensboro, North Carolina

Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Assistant Professor of Medicine
Temple University School of Medicine
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Attending Physician
Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology
Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Attending Physician
Internal Medicine and Geriatrics
Abington Memorial Hospital
Abington, Pennsylvania

Attending Physician
General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics
Albert Einstein Medical Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


January 2019-Present
Facility Consultant
Rounds with Assisted Living and Memory Care Directors  and Resident Care Coordinators and availability to Management around “challenging” resident/family situations and facility policies; monthly caregiver support forums in collaboration with sister Kisco facility, Heritage Greens
Abbotswood at Irving Park
Greensboro, North Carolina

January 2015-Present
Facility Consultant
 Conducts monthly rounds, staff training, and as-needed consultation around management of challenging resident behaviors and other resident/family care needs in a facility that includes independent living, assisted living and specialized memory care units
Heritage Greens
Greensboro, North Carolina

February 2013-Present
Consultant for North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles
 Serves on Medical Review Board that conducts hearings for NC drivers contesting medically-based limitation/cancellation of driving privileges
North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles 
Raleigh, North Carolina

Independent Physician Consultant
 Performs independent forensic medical/geriatric evaluations, expert record review, multidisciplinary team planning and, when needed, Court testimony around matters of cognitive capacity, guardianship and elder mistreatment

May-December 2017
Family (Dementia) Care Home Consultant
Rounded on monthly basis with facility nurse, director and/or pharmacy consultant and provided in-service staff training around management of “challenging” dementia-related and medically complex resident care
The Almost Home Group  
Thomasville, North Carolina

Facility Consultant
Provided consultation for developers of a new assisted living and dementia care facility
Providence Place - Westchester Harbour
High Point, North Carolina

November 2010-2017
Medical Advisor of Professional Advisory Board
Gentiva Home Health Services
Greensboro, North Carolina

Medical Advisor of Professional Advisory Board
Home Health Professionals
High Point, North Carolina

Physician Consultant
Provided staff training and consultation around management of “challenging” day care participants
Adult Center for Enrichment Adult Day Services
Greensboro, North Carolina

Facility Consultant
Provided consultation for the revamping of a skilled nursing facility dementia care unit
Westchester Manor Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
High Point, North Carolina

Facility Consultant 
Provided consultation around issues related to the care of cognitively impaired assisted living residents
Carolina Commons Healthcare-Rehabilitation Center
Greensboro, North Carolina

Facility Consultant and Utilization Review Physician
Beverly Healthcare-Greensboro Nursing and Rehabilitation 
Greensboro, North Carolina

Utilization Review Physician 
Beverly Healthcare-Starmount Nursing and Rehabilitation 
Greensboro, North Carolina

Physician Advisor for Task Force for Protection of Older Pennsylvania
Southeastern Region Office of Attorney General
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Southeastern Pennsylvania Task Force-Long Term Care
Medicaid Fraud Control Section 
Office of Attorney General 
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Medical Consultant to Older Adult Protective Services 
Accompanied protective services workers and advised supervisors and legal authorities regarding “imminent danger” determinations
Philadelphia Corporation for Aging 
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

 Medical Director of Professional Advisory Committee
US HomeCare
Broomall, Pennsylvania

 Medical/Legal Advisory Board on Elder Abuse and Neglect
Charter member of statewide group of physicians and attorneys appointed to convene on a monthly-quarterly basis to advise state attorneys general on the appropriateness to pursue long-term care facility abuse/neglect litigation cases
Office of Attorneys General
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania


Interim Assistant Medical Director
Beverly Healthcare-Greensboro
Greensboro, North Carolina

Medical Director
Geriatric Outpatient Clinic
J. Paul Sticht Center on Aging and Rehabilitation
Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Medical Director
Transitional Care Unit
J. Paul Sticht Center on Aging and Rehabilitation
Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Medical Director
Geriatric Assessment Center
Abington Memorial Medical Center
Willow Grove, Pennsylvania

Medical Director
Genesis ElderCare Senior Day Health Center
Willow Grove, Pennsylvania

Medical Director
Willow Ridge Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Hatboro, Pennsylvania


Interim Attending Physician
Beverly Healthcare-Greensboro
Greensboro, North Carolina

Attending Physician
J. Paul Sticht Center on Aging and Rehabilitation
Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Attending Physician
Willow Ridge Center-Genesis ElderCare
Hatboro, Pennsylvania

Attending Physician
Foulkeways at Gwynedd
Gwynedd, Pennsylvania

Attending Physician
Geriatric Assessment Center
Abington Memorial Medical Center
Willow Grove, Pennsylvania

Director of Continuous Quality Improvement
Director/Founder of Physician Home Care Program 
Attending Physician, Department of Medicine
Albert Einstein Medical Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

House Physician
Philadelphia Geriatric Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Gero-psychiatric Social Worker
The Methodist Hospital
Houston, Texas

Psychiatric Social Worker
University of Texas Medical Branch
Galveston, Texas

Prenatal Clinic Social Worker
Mount Sinai Hospital
New York City, New York



 2002-2012 Editorial Board, Hospital Physician
1993-2012 Manuscript Review Board, Hospital Physician
1999, 2000 Abstract Reviewer, Gerontological Society of America


March & April 2016
Adult Protective Services Social Workers.
Sixty-minute session, “Assessing Adult’s Capacity to Consent”
 Morgantown and Tarboro, North Carolina

March 2016
North Carolina Partnership to Address Adult Abuse.
 Sixty- minute session, “Recognizing Differences Between Normal Aging and Abuse. Factors that Contribute to Vulnerability
Judicial Center, Raleigh, North Carolina

North Carolina Association on Aging Boot Camps.
 Sixty- minute session, “Health Aspects of Aging”
September 2015; January 2015; May 2014; October 2013; February 2013; November 2012 Winston-Salem, North Carolina

October 2013 & November 2014
Clinical medicine class for Physician Assistant students.
Two-hour lecture, “Approach to the Geriatric Patient”
Elon University, North Carolina

October 2014
North Carolina Association of County Boards of Social Services 2014 Social Services Institute.
Ninety-minute session, “Physiologic Changes That Occur with Aging That Contribute to Vulnerability to Abuse and neglect"
Hickory Convention Center, Hickory, North Carolina

October 2014
Novant Health Thomasville Medical Center Geriatric Behavioral Health (multidisciplinary) Symposium. Sixty minute session, “Management of Challenging Behaviors in Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias"
Davidson County Community College, North Carolina

May 2014
North Carolina Conference of Clerks of Superior Court Elder Abuse Awareness Symposium. Seventy-five minute session, “Physiology of Aging: What Makes the Elderly so Vulnerable?”
Campbell University Law School, Raleigh, North Carolina

May 2007 x2
Institute on Older Adult Protective Services, Temple University School of Social Administration. Six-hour course, “Evaluating Older Adults in the Field (A Geriatrician’s Perspective): Behavioral, Cognitive, Functional Changes, Decision-Making Abilities. Clues, Tools and Case Studies”
Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

April 2007
North Carolina Judicial College, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Government Handling Incompetency Hearings: Guardianship Training for Clerks and Assistant Clerks of Superior Court. Ninety-minute session, “Medical Assessment of Incapacity”
Durham, North Carolina

February & June 2006
Clerk Mediation Program sponsored by Mediation, Inc. and Carolina Dispute Settlement Services. Two-hour session, “The Aging Process”
Durham, North Carolina

September 2005
Adult Guardianship/Family Caregiving Mediation Course sponsored by North Carolina Association of Professional Family Mediators, North Carolina Division of Aging and Adult Services and The Center for Social Gerontology. Sixty-minute session, “Working with Older Adults” 
Greensboro, North Carolina

June 2005
Institute on Older Adult Protective Services, Temple University School of Social Administration. Three-hour course “Mental Health and Capacity Issues in Aging” 
Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania

Statewide Trainer for Pennsylvania Programs on Elder Abuse Legislation (Acts 28, 13 and 14). Sixty to ninety-minute sessions in locations across the state
Office of Attorneys General 
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania


American College of Physicians
American Geriatrics Society
American Medical Association
Gerontological Society of America
Clinical Medicine Section, Membership Committee, 1995-1997
North Carolina Medical Society


Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, 1999-2002:
 Rehabilitation Programs Committee
Geriatric Rehabilitation Task Force – Chairperson
Women’s Health Programs – Geriatrics Subcommittee
Medical School Faculty Fringe Benefits Committee
Hospital Fall Reduction Task Force

Albert Einstein Medical Center, 1994-1997:
Medical Staff
Medical Staff Board
Blood Utilization Quality Assessment and Improvement Group
Drug Utilization Quality Assessment and Improvement Group
Health Information Management Quality Assessment and Improvement Group
Medical Staff Medical Ethics Advisory Panel - Chair, Education Subcommittee
Quality Assessment and Improvement Panel
Utilization Review Quality Assessment and Improvement Group

Other Medical Center
Patient Progression Steering Committee
Cancer Center Quality Assessment and Improvement Committee
Heart Center Quality Assessment and Improvement Committee
Intensive Care Unit Quality Assessment and Improvement Committee

GI Continuous Quality Improvement Committee
Nutrition Support Committee
Resident Clinical Competence Committee


Spotlight on Geriatricians 2014 Professional of Note highlighted by March/April 2014 issue of Today’s Geriatric Medicine, Great Valley Publishing Company, Inc., Spring City, Pennsylvania

Sigma Phi Omega, Delta Gamma Chapter
National Gerontology Academic Honor and Professional Society

Fellow of the American College of Physicians
American Society of Internal Medicine (FACP)

Medical Staff Board, Elected Member (2-year term)
Albert Einstein Medical Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Outstanding Fellow Research Paper
Delaware Valley Geriatrics Society and Section 
of Geriatrics College of Physicians of Philadelphia

B.A. High Honors
Wesleyan University
Middletown, Connecticut

Thorndike Prize, Psychology
Wesleyan University
Middletown, Connecticut


Functional Outcomes of Cardiac Surgery in the Elderly
Albert Einstein Society
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Principal Investigator
$24,973 (1995-1996)
$13,653 (1996-1997)


Haber, M.A. A Time and Cost Study of a Hospital Social Work Department (The Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, New York), Master's Thesis, Columbia University School of Public Health, New York, New York, 1982.

Haber, M.A. Stimulant Drug Treatment of Hyperactive Children, Bachelor's Thesis, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 1979.


2011-2016 Secretary, Executive Board, Jewish Family Services, Greensboro, North Carolina

2003-2008 Chair, Clinical Services Committee, Jewish Family Services, Greensboro, North Carolina 

2002-2008 Secretary, Executive Board, Jewish Family Services, Greensboro, North Carolina

2002-2003 Board of Directors, Adult Center for Enrichment, Greensboro, North Carolina

2001-2017 Executive Committee, Blumenthal Foundation for Senior Services, Greensboro, North Carolina

2001-2008 Senior Services Committee, Jewish Family Services, Greensboro, North Carolina

1995 Board Member, Advocates for Jewish Mentally Ill, Delaware Valley, Pennsylvania

1995 Philadelphia Nursing Home Citizens' Advisory Board, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

1994 LaSalle University Neighborhood Nursing Center Advisory Board, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2003-2011 (Spring Semester)
Professor for graduate-level course entitled “Health and Aging” in the Departments of Public Health Education and Gerontology (4 credit hours)

Wake Forest University School of Medicine, 1999-2002:
Preceptor for geriatric fellows in outpatient, geriatric assessment, subacute care and acute care settings; organized geriatric fellow continuity clinic program
Preceptor for evaluation exercises for first, second and three year medical students (8-10 hours per year)

Abington Memorial Hospital, 1997-1999:
Preceptor for internal medicine residents in geriatric assessment, primary care and long-term care (8 hours/week)
Director and preceptor for three-week mandatory geriatrics rotation developed and implemented for internal medicine residents in a newly-created nursing home (8 hours/week)

Albert Einstein Medical Center, 1994-1997:
Preceptor for resident general medicine clinic (8 hours/week)
Inpatient internal medicine teaching attending (1-2 months/year)
Preceptor for 6-month block resident ambulatory care experience in home care (4 hours/week)
Preceptor for sophomore medical student physical diagnosis course (4 hours/week, 4 months/year)

Medical Education:
Internal Medicine Resident Clinical Competence Committee
Internal Medicine Resident Advisor (4 residents/year)



Johnson, J.C., Haber, M. Advance Directives, Editorial in the American Geriatrics Society Fellows-in-Training Newsletter, 1994.

Johnson, J.C., Haber, M. Diagnosis and Management of Delirium, Geriatric Medicine News & Reports, October 1993.

May, C., Haber, M., Young, S.H., Gold P.W., Tomel, T.P., Csako, G., Friedland, R.P. Osmoregulation in Alzheimer's Disease, Dementia, Vol. 1, 90-94, 1990.

Kirby, H.B., Haber, M., Baer, J., Pickman, S. Geriatric Evaluation Program in a Private Hospital: Implications for Health Care Planning, Texas Medicine, Vol. 83(6), 27-33, 1987.

Haber, M. Costing Social Work Services in a Hospital Setting, Social Work in Health Care, Vol. 11(1), 3-129, 1985.


Haber, M.A., Rebirth of a Special Care Unit, Presented at the American Medical Directors Association Annual Symposium, Dallas, Texas, March 2006.

Haber, M.A. and Johns, A.F. Decision Making in Impaired Seniors: An Important Opportunity for Collaboration Among Geriatricians and Elder Law Attorneys. Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, November 2004.

Haber, M.A. and Sabatino, C. Assessment of Decision-Making Ability in Cognitively Impaired Older Adults: A Medical and Legal Perspective. Fifth Annual National Aging and Law Conference, Arlington, VA, October 2004.

Haber, M.A. Integrating Traditional Didactics with Service Learning Concepts, Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, St. Petersburg, Florida, March 2003.

Haber, M.A., Chen, J.G., Fine, R. An Observational Study of Cardiac Surgery in the Elderly: Functional Outcomes, Presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, November 2001.

Haber, M. and Fine, R., Functional Outcomes of Cardiac Surgery in the Elderly, Presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, November 1996.

Haber, M. Perspectives in Clinical Medicine Research. Evolving Research Issues in a Changing Healthcare Environment: A View from the Trenches, Pre-Conference Workshop, Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, November 1996.

Haber, M., Slotkin, J., Johnson, J., and Gottlieb, G., Impact of Dementia on Postoperative Outcomes of Patients Undergoing Psychiatric Consultation, Presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, November 1994.

Haber, M.A., Hook, D.J., and duClair, K.A., DRG's and Psychiatric Hospitalization of Older Adults: Deinstitutionalization Revisited, Presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, November 1984.

Haber, M., The Development of a Cost Study Methodology for Hospital-based Social Work Services, Presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, November 1983.


Managing Challenging Behaviors in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias: Reducing Caregiver Burden and Patient Distress, North Carolina Conference on Aging, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, September 11, 2007.

North Carolina Initiatives for Guardianship Proceedings: A Legal and Medical Perspective, with D.J. Toman, North Carolina Conference on Aging, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, September 11, 2007.

Individualizing the Guardianship Evaluation: Setting the Stage for Limited Guardianship aka “Different Strokes for Different Folks”, North Carolina Guardianship Association Conference, Boone, NC, May 10, 2007.

Challenging Behaviors in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias: Strategies for an Integrated Behavioral and Medical Management Approach, Southern Gerontological Society Annual Meeting, Greensboro, North Carolina, April 12, 2007.

Issues About Guardianship: A Medical and Legal Perspective Focusing on Newer Development in North Carolina, with D.J. Toman, Southern Gerontological Society Annual Meeting, Greensboro, North Carolina, April 12, 2007.

The Need for Guardianship: A Medical and Legal Perspective, with D.J. Toman, North Carolina Conference on Aging, Research Triangle, Park, NC, October 26, 2006.

Management of Challenging Behaviors in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias: Integrating Behavioral and Medical Approaches, North Carolina Conference on Aging, New Bern, North Carolina, October 19, 2005.

Mental Capacity in Impaired Seniors: Assessment of Decision-Making and Protecting the Vulnerable, with E.J. Harrington, North Carolina Conference on Aging, New Bern, North Carolina, October 19, 2005.

Competency and Decision-Making for Seniors: A Discussion with the Experts, with D.J. Toman, Joint Conference of the North Carolina Conference on Aging and the Southeastern Association of Area Agencies on Aging, Durham, North Carolina, October 18, 2004.

S/he Did WHAT??? Effective Management of Challenging Behaviors in Dementia Using a Combination of Behavioral and Pharmacologic Approaches, Alzheimer’s Association Western Carolina Chapter 2000 Spring Education Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, March 11, 2004.

Service-Learning to Prepare a Workforce Serving the Aging Population, with J.I. Wassel, North Carolina Conference on Aging, Charlotte, North Carolina, September 11, 2003.

Merging Ethics of Various Professions When Serving Older Adults: How to Play by the Rules of Other Professions Without Breaking Your Own, with A.F. Johns and K.J. Strom-Gottfried, North Carolina Conference on Aging, Charlotte, North Carolina, September 10, 2003.

Getting Through the Night: Nonpharmacologic Management of Challenging Behaviors in Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias, North Carolina/South Carolina Medical Directors Symposium, Charlotte, North Carolina, October 18, 2002.

Conceptualizing Alternatives in Post-Acute Hospital Care, Florida Conference on Aging, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, August 14, 2001.

Postacute Care. The J. Paul Sticht Center on Aging and the Section of Geriatrics and Gerontology of the Department of Medicine of the Wake Forest University School of Medicine – International Geriatrics Conference, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, May 23, 2001.

Women Aging Successfully Through Knowledge About Their Health, Panel Moderator and Speaker on Hormone Replacement Therapy, Philadelphia Summer Series on Aging sponsored by American Society on Aging, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 14, 1999.

Women Aging Successfully Through Knowledge About Their Health, Panel Moderator and Speaker on Hormone Replacement Therapy, Philadelphia Summer Series on Aging sponsored by American Society on Aging, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 7, 1997.


Haber, M.A. Decision-Making in Older Adults: Informed Consent and Diminished Capacity, Presented at the American Geriatric Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, May 2005.

Atkinson, H.H. and Haber, M.A., Challenges of Subacute Care for Clinical Geriatrics Fellows, Presented at the American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, May 2002.

Haber, M.A., Residency Training in Geriatrics and Long Term Care: A Working Model. Presented at the American Medical Directors Association Annual Symposium, Orlando, Florida, March 1999.

Haber, M.A., The New Medical Director: Opportunities and Challenges, Presented at the American Medical Directors Association Annual Symposium, San Antonio, Texas, March 1998.

Haber, M.A., Interagency Collaboration: An Important Aspect of Hospital Quality Improvement for Geriatrics, Presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, November 1995.

Vailoces, V.J.T.O. and Haber, M.A., Housestaff Recognition of Dementia in an Outpatient Setting: An Area Ripe of Training and Quality Improvement, Presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, November 1995.

Haber, M., Johnson, J., Salhani, R., Sims, R., Cordts, G., and Gottlieb, G., The Impact of Dementia on Postoperative Outcomes, Presented at the American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, April 1994.


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